
Vitamin C: An essential nutrient exclusively from food

vitamin c

What’s Vitamin C and why we need it?


It is not a myth or a tradition of grandparents, but it is quite true and clinically proven that Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the body. Among its main functions are that stimulates the immune system, contributes to the formation of collagen and iron absorption, and has great antioxidant power.

The human body cannot manufacture on its own, so the only way to obtain it is through the intake of certain foods. Traditionally, citrus fruits (such as orange, grapefruit or lemon) are associated with a natural source of vitamin C, although in truth the proportion they contain is between 30 and 60 milligrams per 100 grams. These values, comparatively, are much lower than those of other foods, such as strawberries (80 mg/100 gr), kiwi (90 mg/100 gr) or red pepper (190 mg/100 gr).



Rosehip: The largest natural source


However, all these values ​​are well below those of the rosehip. For reference, r/hip & co Vitamin Organic Rosehip Powder contains about 320 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. To all this, it is important to understand what is the recommended daily quota of Vitamin C per day: there is a certain consensus among the medical/scientific community in which it is estimated that for adults the necessary daily consumption is between 75 mg (women) and 90 mg (men). In the case of pregnant or lactating women, it is recommended to increase consumption, up to 120 mg. For reference, a 25 gram scoop of r/hip & co Vitamin Organic Rosehip Powder would cover the recommended daily serving.



How to get benefits from Vitamin C


It is necessary to incorporate Vitamin C every day, since the body expels it through the urine (it is not cumulative) and it is very important to prevent its shortage. Now, how to consume rosehip and obtain its benefits? Although we are used to finding rosehip-based products such as infusions or jams, in recent years consumption in powder form has become popular, which is easily added to juices, smoothies or yogurts, and concentrates all the properties of the plant.

The r/hip & co rosehip powder is a certified organic product, 100% natural and without additives, whose raw material is harvested by hand in one of the purest places on the planet (Argentine Patagonia) and is produced in Germany with a unique process that allows it to preserve all its properties. It is the ideal complement to give a delicious touch of flavor to breakfasts or snacks, providing the necessary daily quota of Vitamin C.

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